17 Feb 2020

Prahspražská lež...

...muzeum bude naplněno exponáty do konce roku 2019... 
Mohutná prázdnota hodna rozhýbání hřbetu
 v rytmu kroků dynamických, tedy tance...

prosinec 2019

At the end of the last year, we visited Prague's National Museum. It supposed to be filled with thousands of exhibits, but it was still completely empty, unfortunately. Those few pictures are the most interesting scenes I found. However, this old and beautiful building worths a visit. And if you dive into the archive on this blog, you would discover that the pottery and any type of vases and ceramics is totally my thing!


  1. Chodit po stropě a ukusovat s barokních donutů, tak nějak atmosféra fotek.
