14 Nov 2023

Ego v Bangkoku

V galerii COPA v Bangkoku je k vidění jedna z mých starších fotografií v rámci výstavy věnované autoportrétu. Všechny vybrané snímky od autorů z celého světa si můžete prohlédnout online na webových stránkách galerie: Portrait of The Self.

One of my older photographs is part of an exhibition in Bangkok. Check out all the participants from all around the world on the gallery's website here: Portrait of The Self.

I like blurry and bad photographs. Maybe it's just an extension of my own disability - not having strong eyesight. I should probably wear glasses but I found this out-of-focus world quite fascinating and beautiful. I tried to express this beauty in my photos and amplified it in my self-portraits especially.

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